Areas of Activity

Home/Areas of Activity

Engidro has solid experience and proven competence in providing national and international services within the following areas of activity:


Water supply

- Catchments - Reservoirs - Treatment Facilities - Pumping Stations - Adduction and Distribution Systems


Wastewater and Stormwater

- Drainage Networks and Interceptor Systems - Retention and / or Infiltration Systems - Pumping Stations - Treatment Facilities - Reuse Systems - Submarine Emissaries


Solid Waste

- Collection and Transport Systems - Ecopoints and Transfer Stations - Waste Recycling and Reuse - Landfills - Treatment Facilities - Sealing and recovery of Dumps / Landfills


Water resources

- Watersheds - Rivers and Waterways - Coastal Areas - Ponds and Reservoirs - Underground Waters



- Catchments - Pumping Stations - Reservoirs - Filtration Stations - Channels, Adductor Systems and Networks - Drainage and Pathways


Architecture and Spatial Planning

- Industry, Housing and Services - Urban Infrastructures - Urban Rehabilitation and Renewal


The services provided by ENGIDRO cover the whole infrastructure life cycle, from feasibility and diagnosis studies, through detail projects, supervision, technical advice and support studies. The following stand out:

Master Plans
Water Safety Plans
Inflow and Infiltration Studies
Institutional Development Studies
Infrastructure Diagnosis
Supervision of Civil Works
Viability and Preliminary Studies
Water Loss Control Plans
Technical-Economical Studies
Climate Change Adaptation Studies
Infrastructure Patrimony Management
Technical Support and Training
Basic and Execution Projects
Hydraulic and Water Quality Modelling
Tariff Studies
Cadastral Surveys and GIS
Project Revision
Automation and Telemanagement Studies
