Project Details
A Financial and Contract Management Unit, established at the Ministry of Energy and Water (MINEA) and responsible for monitoring, managing, and controlling the implementation of the projects, will engage the services of a Technical Assistance of the Instituto Regulador dos Serviços de Electricidade e de Água (IRSEA). The main goal is to assist the IRSEA in defining a rigorous regulatory framework, as well as in developing its capacity to fulfil its responsibilities as the water and sanitation regulatory authority. The project will include Technical Assistance, organizational structure, staffing and skill definition, development of water and sanitation specification of regulatory instruments, design and development of an information database, training and capacity building, beneficiary assessement, and design an IEC (information, education and communication) strategy and practices.
Category: Wastewater, Water Supply
Client: Ministério da Energia e Águas (MINEA) - Direcção Nacional de Águas (DNA) (Angola)